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Industry Thought Leader 3 Cs Model


Cultivate Collaborate
  • Pitch: Industry thought leaders provide a compelling answer when asked, "What do you do?" Effectively pitching your value is key to building authority.
  • Target Market: Define your audience.
  • Message: Craft original and impactful ideas.
  • Product: Transform your skills, talents, and ideas into products people love.
  • Key Talking Points: Develop and refine your core themes.
  • Presentation: Showcase your expertise effectively.
  • Profile (You are who Google says you are): Manage your online reputation.
  • Raise Your Profile: Publish articles, infographics, and online intellectual property. Consider podcasts and books.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with your community.
  • Industry Publications/Associations: Connect with relevant publications and associations.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Foster alliances.
  • Joint Ventures: Collaborate on projects.
  • Podcast Placements: Appear as a guest.
  • Speaking Engagements: Share your insights on stage.